So, you either made your first cigar box guitar or have just bought one – Where do I begin?
When you start anything new, there are many questions, especially an instrument that is definitely not in every music shop window. This article will at least help you get started, and with some practice, you may be able to pluck out a few tunes in no time! The good news is you only have two, three or four strings to worry about!
Cigar Box Guitars (CBG) are as you picture them—an instrument made with a cigar box, a wooden neck and steel strings attached. The instrument has grown in popularity as DIY kits, and building plans became readily available for hobbyists. However, the first mention of a cigar box instrument dates back to the mid-1860s. The oldest known reference to the instrument is from a drawing during the American Civil War at the “Siege of Charleston.”
Today, many refined luthiers are producing highly crafted instruments available for custom order. The modern Cigar Box Guitar continues to be made from authentically sourced cigar boxes, though many luthiers also make a custom-built box with similar dimensions. The 3-String Cigar Box Guitar is more common than the 4-String version, with GDG or GDGB as the preferred tuning. We should also mention that there is also a 2-String that has risen in popularity. Both versions typically come with at least one electric pickup for amplification. For more information, read this article on what to look for when buying a cigar box guitar.
Learn How to Play Cigar Box Guitar
No offence to lefties, but I will refer to your strumming hand as the right hand, and the hand that forms chords and notes as the left hand.
The first question would be: is your CBG set up to be played with a slide with a higher action (the distance of strings to the neck), or does it have a lower action and played with the fingers?
The Left Hand
A higher action is perfect for playing with the slide but can go out of tune when fingering or pressing down notes or chords on the fingerboard.  Slide playing requires a higher action and works best with an open tuning.
A lower action is also good for slide, provided the action isn’t too low, and the string height is suitable for both slide and fingers. The notes and chords should remain in tune when you press down on the strings similar to an acoustic guitar. The string gauges range in diameter between an acoustic or electric. A typical gauge for a bluesy sounding 3-String is .042″, .030″ and .022.”
The Right Hand
There are at least three options for the right picking hand on the CBG. My guess is that playing with fingers or fingerstyle is the most popular approach, the guitar pick as second, and a hybrid pick and fingers approach as the third. Thumb picks and finger picks are also frequently used, especially with resonator cigar box guitars as seen below.
For more information about fingerpicking check out the complete lesson here.Â

The Slide
Finding the right slide is a challenge of its own! For many years, slide players would have to conform to commercial slides that are often too big or too narrow. Fortunately, there are now more slide manufacturers that cater to different finger sizes and materials (glass, metal, ceramic, bone).
Try different slide materials and listen to the tone produced. Some players prefer a raspy sharp sound with a steel slide while others like a round smooth sound with glass. Of course, the slide you choose will also depend on which finger your wear the slide.   Most players put the slide on the 3rd or 4th finger, which allows other fingers to play along with the slide. There are no rules, so try the slide on different fingers and do what feels natural to you.
Here are two tips to learn how to play slide: 1) keep the slide in line with the fret to play in tune, and 2) practice playing single notes with the slide on a tilt.
How to Read Tablature on the Cigar Box Guitar
As mentioned earlier, GDG is the closest to a standard tuning currently used on the 3-String Cigar Box Guitar, and GDGB the standard for the 4-string. Tablature is the quickest way to learn tunes and riffs, although some books include standard notation for players with experience reading music.
Ask yourself the following four questions to help you understand and read tablature:
1) What tab number is the string on?–Strings are thin (1st) to thick (4th).
2) What is the fret number?–The number is the fret the note is on.
3) Which finger do I use?–This question is more difficult as fingering constantly changes. As a general rule, keep your fingers in position where possible, meaning the fingers are evenly spaced between frets (1st finger on 1st fret, 2nd finger on 2nd fret, etc.). When playing chords, use the most functional position to allow a simple transition when switching chords.
4) How long do you let the note ring?–This depends on the song’s rhythm, but try to keep or retain your fingers on the fretboard as long as possible, to let the notes ring as long as possible.

Let’s try a few simple riffs on the CBG
In riff one, practice taking the slide or finger on and off the first string. Keep the finger close to the fret to avoid fret rattle. If using a slide, keep the slide in line with the fret to play in tune.

Hammer Ons and Pull Offs
The hammer on and pull off are two frequently used techniques on the Cigar Box Guitar. For the hammer on, play the open string then without picking the string again, place your finger or slide forcefully back on the third fret. The hammer on is written with a slur (curved line) above or below the notes.  (Ex.1 – 2)
The pull off is the reverse of the hammer on. This time, play the third fret with your finger or slide, then pull off without picking the string again. Try to keep an even eighth note rhythm when playing hammer ons and pull offs (Ex. 3 – 4).
Ex. 5 and 6 combine both the hammer on and pull off techniques.
Playing in Tune with the Slide
Ok, one last technique to learn-the slide. The most important rule when using a slide is to keep the slide directly over the center of the fret to play the note in tune. Apply an even pressure without pressing down too hard on the strings as the “slide should glide” over the strings. A slide is written with a line between the notes. Sometimes a grace note (smaller note) is played before the main note, as in the examples below. The grace note shows which note to slide from and is usually a quick slide up or down.
Your First Cigar Box Guitar Song: Worried Man Blues
Alright, let’s put it all together and try a little tune called Worried Man Blues. You can practice the three techniques you have learned so far: the hammer on, pull off and slide. Click on the links to download the PDF for 3-String Worried Man Blues, or the 4-String Worried Man Blues.
Listen to the audio or watch the play along youtube video for “worried Man Blues” below:
Suggested Cigar Box Guitar Lessons, Books and Tabs
For more Cigar Box Guitar music, I recommend the books: 101 Riffs and Solos for Cigar Box Guitar or The Ultimate Collection How to Play Cigar Box Guitar. The 101 riffs book is excellent for beginners who want to learn the essential techniques by playing short blues, rock and country riffs, while the Ultimate Collection, which is also great for beginners, has a collection of short tunes like Worried Man Blues. Both books are good for the beginner to intermediate level Cigar Box Guitar player.
Below are a few popular online lessons. To view all the CBG lessons go here:  Â
Popular Sheet Music and Tablature
And here is a link to some of the sheet music tablature available for purchase:
Final Thoughts
Alright, I hope you can garner some new knowledge to start or continue your cigar box guitar journey. It really is a fun instrument and will offer you hours and years of enjoyment!
Please leave any comments or suggestions for more lessons!
101 Riffs and Solos for 3-String Cigar Box Guitar
“101 Riffs and Solos” arranged for the 3-string fretted or fretless cigar box guitar tuned to GDG. An excellent resource for beginners and review of useful techniques for players of all levels and styles, including blues, rock, country, and popular. Audio tracks below.
Essential lessons for the cigar box guitar.
101 Riffs and Solos for 4-String Cigar Box Guitar
101 Riffs and Solos arranged for the 4-string fretted or fretless cigar box guitar tuned to GDGB. An excellent resource for beginners and review of useful techniques for players of all levels and styles, including blues, rock, country, popular and more. Audio tracks below.
Essential Lessons for 4-String Slide Cigar Box Guitar.
Cigar Box Guitar – The Ultimate Collection
Cigar Box Guitar – the “Ultimate Collection” is one the first books ever written specifically for the “3 String” cigar box guitar tuned to GDG. Songs, chords, scales, exercises and more. Everything you need to play cigar box guitar today. Audio tracks below.
How to Play Cigar Box Guitar
Cigar Box Guitar – The Ultimate Collection – 4 String
Cigar Box Guitar – The Ultimate Collection is one of the first books written specifically for the “4 String” cigar box guitar tuned GDGB. Great for beginners and players of all levels. 30+ tunes, scales, chord & fingerboard charts, arpeggios, riffs and exercises provide an excellent introduction to the cigar box guitar. Audio tracks below.
How to Play 4-String Cigar Box Guitar.
Where can I purchase this CBG guitar. The one with f holes, and two pickups; single and humbuck.
Hi Paul, thanks for your question. That cigar box guitar was custom-made at Blueboy guitars ( They make great little instruments for a reasonable price – definitely worth checking out.
Hi, I am looking at their page, and the only question I have is if it is an acoustic or electric?
Hi, I guess you could say it is an electro-acoustic. The cigar box guitars I have all have a pick-up to plug into an amp. You certainly can play them acoustically but you will need to plug in if you are jamming in a band.
Have just taken delivery of your book, looking forward to learning all about this amazing little instrument.
Cool man! Good luck and feel free to leave any comments or questions if you need help.
Can I hear the audio of Baytowne Saturday Night?
Hi, yes for sure contact me for the audio file.
I just finished a 3 string CBG build, fretted electric. I have no music background . Searching on web having difficulty trying to find an understandable instruction. Many videos claim beginning players but appears what may be easy for them is difficult to follow as they hammer out tunes saying it is simple. I am in search for a methodical instruction series.
Hi, sorry for the slow reply. Congratulations on your first CBG! I think 101 Riffs or Ultimate collection is a good place to start. They are beginner books and assume very little music background. Check my CBG YouTube channel as well for videos. Good luck!