Introduction to the Mandola
The mandola is not exactly an instrument you hear of every day. Sometimes hard to find and even harder to find any music to play. My spell checker doesn’t even know the word! When I type in mandola, I get the correction “mandala.” That’s how rare it is. Haha.
Rare indeed, but why? It is the perfect Celtic instrument and could be so effective in many genres of music. You will, however, find the mandola in classical settings and mandolin orchestras. The mandola is like the viola in the string orchestra. Slightly bigger than a mandolin, four doubled strings and tuned a fifth down to C-G-D-A.
The mandola, sometimes called the tenor mandola, apparently came before the mandolin and is suspected to be a descendant of the pandura, mandura and the lute.
Here are a few examples of mandolas. The first is a custom-built mandola, and the second is a common brand available at music stores:

Mandola Transposition
The most accessible keys on the mandola are C, G and D. However, the traditional keys for many Celtic tunes don’t always match up to the most accessible key on the mandola. Most mandola players I know come from mandolin, so you will need lots of transposing to work with the C-G-D-A tuning. That’s why most of the tunes in my book are presented in several keys.
Fortunately, transposing can be simplified with a capo. You will encounter the two most common transpositions from the key of C to D (capo 2) or from the key of G to A, which is also capo 2. If you learn a tune in the key of C but want to play it in the key of D, just put your capo on the 2nd fret. Also, put the capo on fret 2 if you learn a tune in G but want to play in the key of A. If you don’t want to transpose from the mandolin, put your capo at the 7th fret. This will put the mandola in mandolin tuning: G-D-A-E.
Mandola Notation and Tablature
There seems to be some uncertainty as to how to notate mandola music. Writing the music in treble clef makes perfect sense since many mandola players are also mandolinists. Of course, some players will prefer the alto clef as you find mandola music in the alto clef, particularly in mandolin orchestra scores. I mean, it’s excellent to learn the alto clef if you want to play in the orchestra, but if you aim to play Celtic music in a band or solo, then treble clef is best.
(I found the best solution is to arrange two books, one in treble clef and one in alto clef.)
Make sure to check out my tips for flatpicking to help improve your mandola technique. Play blues mandolin? Check out this post here.
Learn Two Celtic Tunes on your Mandola
There do not appear to be many books written specifically for the mandola. That is not why I wrote my Celtic Mandola Music Book, though. I have played mandolin in a Celtic band for many years and wanted to add an alto range instrument into the mix. I did use my octave mandolin but found it a bit dense when combined with a 6-string guitar. The mandola was a perfect match in the band and as a solo instrument.
Mandola Tune 1 – Rakes of Kildare
This tune is arranged for single note playing and taken from the fiddle sheet music. You will notice the slurred lines are played as hammer-ons and pull-offs. Experiment with the slurring to help with difficult fingerings and picking patterns or to accent notes. Also, listen to how fiddle players group the notes together to get ideas.
It is standard practice to embellish the tunes with ornaments. Watch the video notation below to hear The Rakes of Kildare on the mandola. This tune is notated in the alto clef, but the treble clef edition is also available.

Mandola Tune 2 – The Parting Glass
This arrangement of The Parting Glass is in the chordal melody style. Meaning, the chords and melody are combined to create a solo. The arrangement also works well with guitar backing.
I suggest going over the chord shapes and double stops before trying to play the tune at the full tempo. Take it slow and gradually increase the tempo. Notice the dotted line above the notes indicates to hold a barre down.

So there is your quick introduction to the mandola. My book also covers mandola chords, with 96 of the most commonly used chords if you want to learn to chord along.
Please leave any suggestions or comments for more mandola lessons below. Good luck!
Celtic Mandola Book
The Celtic Mandola Music Book is packed with great tunes, chords, exercises, and technique tips, adding to a limited selection of books. This book was written specifically for the mandola and will help you get the most from the alto voice range. The mandola is akin to the viola in the string orchestra but can also be an excellent solo instrument. A complete method and tune book for the 4-string mandola tuned to CGDA. Tablature, chords, technique. Treble clef edition.
Celtic Mandola Book Alto Clef
The Celtic Mandola Music Book is packed with great tunes, chords, exercises, and technique tips, adding to a limited selection of books. This book was written specifically for the mandola and will help you get the most from the alto voice range. The mandola is akin to the viola in the string orchestra but can also be an excellent solo instrument. A complete method and tune book for the 4-string mandola tuned to CGDA. Tablature, chords, technique. Alto clef edition.
Mandolin Blues Book
Take your blues mandolin playing to the next level with the Mandolin Blues Book. A collection of 101 blues riffs and solos ideal for all mandolinists looking to get a good grasp of jamming the blues. The book covers all the essential tools needed to play blues mandolin. Audio and video are available. 157 pages
Celtic World Collection – Mandolin
“Celtic World Collection – Mandolin” contains 46 of the most requested traditional tunes plus new original mandolin tunes with standard notation, chords and mandolin tablature. Mandolin recordings with guitar accompaniment below.
Mandolin Blank Tablature Workbook and Reference
The 4-String Blank Tablature Workbook and Reference for Mandolin includes five blank templates: blank tablature (tab) with chord diagrams, 4-string blank tab, blank tab and fingerboard chart, chord diagrams with fingerboard chart, and 4-string chord diagrams. A helpful reference with chords, scales, fingerboard charts for the mandolin also included.155pgs.
PDF ebook also available so you can print as many blank tab pages as you like. Add to cart for the PDF or buy from Amazon for the print book.
Mandolin Chords and Fretboard Poster Set
- Elegant mandolin chord and fretboard poster set.
- Two posters included – Mandolin chords and mandolin fingerboard charts.
- 2-page chord and fretboard music theory insert also included (letter size).
- Convenient size poster 12” x 18”. Side by side, the two posters are 24” x 18”.
- All posters have a gloss finished printed on 100# Digital Gloss Text.

Hi, I’m curious about mandolins and its family of instruments. I’ve seen one that looks like an oversized mandola/mandolin; it has a really long neck. Is this a rare member of the mandolin family?
Hi, maybe you are referring to the Irish bouzouki or Cittern?
Hi Brent,
thank you for the Mandola information and the tune videos. I am interested in the book ‘Introduction to the mandola’ but unfortunately the link sends me to Mandolin Blues’ Info instead.
Hi, sorry about that. The links have been updated. For the treble clef mandola book go here:
for the alto clef mandola book go here:
Hi Brent,
I’ve played guitar for decades (mainly finger picking over chords) and mandolin for 2.5 years (mainly melody). I’m about to buy a mandola (because, why not?). I’m uncertain whether I should buy the treble clef book (and struggle with getting my brain to accept that the same note on the clef corresponds to a different place on the instrument) or go the whole hog into the alto clef (so my brain just accepts it is all different).
Which would make more sense? Also, do you know of a beginners book for mandola – the Hal Leonard book for mandolin was really well paced for me.
Hi Richard, thanks for your question. Great idea to get a mandola, it’s a fun instrument to play! I have seen both treble and alto clef music for mandola, but if you already read treble clef on mandolin it would be much easier to stick with treble clef. There is not much alto mandola music available so you would need to search for viola music. Another benefit of reading treble clef is you can use violin or mandolin music and just transpose down a perfect fifth.
Either way, I can set your mind at ease because I supply a free pdf copy of the book for both clefs. Just get in touch.
Unfortunately, I don’t know of a basic mandola method book, but again if you go treble clef any of the mandolin method books would work as long as you transpose in your mind.
Thanks, Brent