Today’s cigar box guitar lesson will look at two country classics. The first is Lefty Frizzell’s β€œThe Long Black Veil,” followed by a song that needs no introduction, β€œTennessee Waltz.” Both tunes have found a place in the top 100 country songs of all time and have been performed and recorded by countless artists and gigging musicians.

To buy the sheet music with tablature, chords and lyrics, visit here for the Long Black Veil or here for Tennessee Waltz

If you are a complete cigar box guitar newbie, check out my primer beginner lesson for cigar box guitar here.

Playing country on the cigar box guitar is a natural fit for the instrument. The chords are accessible and sound full enough to accompany yourself singing or playing in the band (or the back porch!). 

So let’s start with The Long Black Veil. Many will know the Johnny Cash recording, but we will use the Lefty Frizzell for the lesson and transcription.

Alright, get your twang on and let’s dive in or just skip to the youtube videos below!

The Long Black Veil on Cigar Box Guitar

This tune tends to grow on you after you play it a few times. It is quite a simple melody with a basic chord structure, which may be the best thing about this song.

This is genuinely a 3-chord country song! There are always options on which version of the chord to play. For example, I’ve indicated two ways to play the D chord. In the key of D, all you need is a D, G and A. We’ll add in the dominant 7th chord, A7, to add change it up in the chorus, but still just 3 basic chords.

Here are the chords you will need:

Cigar Box Guitar Chords The Long Black Veil

And here is the cigar box guitar chord progression for The Long Black Veil

Cigar Box Guitar Chord Progression - the long black veil

Perhaps the best part of the song is the story being told. The imagery is not lost on Johnny Cash – the man in black. A man would rather die than let his best friend know he was messing around with his wife. 

I felt the best way to instrumentally play this tune was with the slide. I mean, without singing it, that is!

So grab your slide, and let’s look at the trickier parts. As always, try to keep the slide in line with the fret to play in tune. Take some liberties with the phrasing and add some vibrato for a wailing kind of reference (when the night winds wail). 

Go through these sections slowly with an ear to your tuning. I suggest memorizing the high parts, as the tuning can be a challenge up the neck. After you have the right notes, work on the rhythm and phrasing. 

Ok, hopefully, that went well! Let’s try another song about infidelity!

What is music phrasing?  

Music phrasing is similar to adding a comma or period in a sentence in language. In music, you have the liberty to change where you put the comma or period to make it your own. In other words, you can interpret the flow and sound of notes in many different ways. 

Imagine if you had to read a poem out loud. You can change the tone of your voice and the speed you say the words. It’s the same thing in music; we can change the tone (timbre), dynamics (volume), speed (tempo), and articulation (staccato, slides, vibrato, etc.).

In written music, slurs (curved lines) indicate how to phrase a group of notes. The slurs often follow the breath a singer would take to sing a passage. That is, the slur would be over the notes to be sung in one breath. 

 Understanding musical phrasing is essential to performing and adding creativity to your music.  

Need help with your rhythm?  Check out this post – 10 tips for better rhythm

The Tennessee Waltz on Cigar Box Guitar

With a fantastic melody and chord sequence, the Tennessee Waltz has been recorded by countless artists over the years. This tune, though overplayed, is still one of the great country songs. The melody covers a good range for any singer while the ΒΎ waltz rhythm sways and fits the tune perfectly.

The original recording has few chords, but I find adding a few of the pretty chords can give the tune some nice colour. The chord progression is lovely with the added major seventh chords

Let’s have a look at the chords and the chord progression in Tennessee Waltz:

Cigar Box Guitar Chord Songs-Tennessee Waltz

The song is based on a 32-bar chord progression: 

A – 8 Bars A1- 8 Bars B – 8 Bars A – 8 Bars


The melody leaves a memorable trace and can be played with or without the slide. Listen to the recording to and follow along on the video below:

Because of the strong melody, the tune can work with a simple 3-string cigar box guitar strumming or fingerpicking the chords. I added lap steel to fill in and pad the melody for the country vibe. If the tune is out of your range, consider re-tuning from GDG down to an EBE. Stay tuned for a new book all about cigar box guitar tunings. Subscribe to the email to receive news about new books, arrangements and free cigar box guitar lessons. 

Leave any comments or suggestions for more lessons below. Good luck and happy twangin’



Cigar Box Guitar – Blues Overload

Master the blues. Everything you need to learn the blues on the 3 String Cigar Box Guitar (GDG). A complete method with over 330 pages! Including blues tunes, riffs, chord progressions, blues scales and much more.  A must have for all cigar box guitar players. Audio tracks below.

Complete Blues Method for 3 String Cigar Box Guitar

The Complete Cigar Box Guitar Chord Book

The Complete Cigar Box Guitar Chord Book is the most extensive library of chords ever assembled for the 3-string cigar box guitar.  With over 2000 chords, chord progressions, strumming patterns and exercises included.  Chords are shown with diagrams, tablature, notation, and some photos.  A must-have for all cigar box guitar players.

3-String Cigar Box Guitar Chords in GDG Tuning

The Complete 4-String Cigar Box Guitar Chord Book

The Complete Cigar Box Guitar Chord Book is the most extensive library of chords ever assembled for the 4-string cigar box guitar.  With over 2000 chords, chord progressions, strumming patterns and exercises included.  Chords are shown with diagrams, tablature, notation, and some photos.  A must-have for all cigar box guitar players.

4-String Cigar Box Guitar Chords in GDGB Tuning



3-String Cigar Box Guitar Chord and Fretboard Poster Set

  • Elegant 3-string cigar box guitar chord and fretboard poster set.
  • Two posters included – 3 string cigar box guitar chords and fretboards tuned GDG.
  • 2-page chord and fretboard music theory insert also included (letter size).
  • Convenient size poster 12” x 18”.  Side by side, the two posters are 24” x 18”. 
  • All posters have a gloss finished printed on 100# Digital Gloss Text.   

4-String Cigar Box Guitar Chord and Fretboard Poster Set

  • Elegant 4-string cigar box guitar chord and fretboard poster set.
  • Two posters included – 4-string cigar box guitar chords and fretboards tuned GDGB.
  • 2-page chord and fretboard music theory insert also included (letter size).
  • Convenient size poster 12” x 18”.  Side by side, the two posters are 24” x 18”. 
  • All posters have a gloss finished printed on 100# Digital Gloss Text.   

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