Open D Guitar Tuning Minor Chords Lesson In today’s lesson, we will continue to work on our Open D guitar tuning chords, but this time we will zone in on the secondary minor chords in the key of D. In this case: Em, F#m and Bm. We will also learn five popular...
Open D Guitar Chords – Major Chords In today’s lesson, we will work on our Open D major chords. In particular, the primary chords from the key of D major: are D, G and A. Open D (DADF#AD) is an altered tuning that is exceedingly popular with creative...
In today’s lesson, we will make a simple 12 bar blues solo in the key of D using the open position blues scale in open D guitar tuning (D A D F# A D). Most guitarists can do this naturally in good old standard tuning after learning a few blues scales and then...
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