Learn Four Mandolin Blues Songs

Learn Four Mandolin Blues Songs

Learn Five Classic Blues Mandolin Songs Finding blues music for the mandolin is a challenge at the best of times, so in this lesson, we will learn five popular blues classics. Very few blues songs are written specifically for mandolin, so we borrow a few from the...
How to Build a Mandola Instrument

How to Build a Mandola Instrument

Here is a wonderful photo essay on how to build a mandola instrument from scratch. Yair Stern is a talented Canadian luthier who builds mandolas, among other instruments, including mandolins, octave mandolins and guitars. Mr. Stern has agreed to share photos taken...
Introduction to Celtic Mandola

Introduction to Celtic Mandola

Introduction to the Mandola The mandola is not exactly an instrument you hear of every day. Sometimes hard to find and even harder to find any music to play. My spell checker doesn’t even know the word! When I type in mandola, I get the correction...
Learn Two Holiday Classics on Mandolin

Learn Two Holiday Classics on Mandolin

Two Mandolin Arrangements Just In Time For the Holidays Hello, here are a few mandolin arrangements just in time for the holiday season. I have a few tunes worked out in the chordal melody style which is when you combine the chords and melody together. See the free...
Blues Mandolin Riffs and Solo Lesson

Blues Mandolin Riffs and Solo Lesson

In today’s blues mandolin lesson, we will create a 4-riff blues solo over a 12 bar blues progression in the key of G by using a few of the G scales below.  We will repeat and transpose the riffs to match the chords in the standard 12 bar blues progression.  If you are...
Introduction to Blues Mandolin

Introduction to Blues Mandolin

Grab your mandolin, and let’s jam some blues! Though blues may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you picture the mandolin, be sure with a slide here and a hammer on there, you can be as expressive on this 4-string axe as any! Here’s a few...

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